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In a world that is in constant change and convinced that creativity is an ability that everyone can develop, we decided to incorporate this powerful tool in the core of our learning process.


We looked for a model that adjusted to the scholar reality, and that was how we got to two institutions we have relied on:


CCE (Creativity, Culture and Education) 

Centre for Real-World Learning

The 5 habits that we develop to strengthen the creativity muscle are:
  • wondering & questioning

  • exploring & investigating 

  • challenging assumptions

  • daring to be different

  • sticking with difficulty

  • tolerating uncertainty

  • co-operating appropriately 

  • giving & receiving

  • feedback, sharing the product

  • crafting & improving

  • developing techniques

  • reflecting critically

  • playing with possibilities

  • making connections

  • using intuition

Bill Lucas, Founder and Director of "Centre for Real-World Learning" of the University of Winchester in England, and creator of the model of creativity that our school has been implementing for three years, visited Frutillar and gave a training course to our teachers. In it we deepen in strategies to keep strengthening the 5 habits of mind in our students. It gave us more energy and inspiration to persist in developing creativity in our students. We are certain that creativity is a powerful instrument to improve their capacities in both, the scholar life and in their lives in general!


We are convinced that Creativity has a strong and significant impact in the cognitive development of students; that it improves the quality of their learning, increases pupil´s motivation in their own learning process and that it has the potential to strengthen the teaching work.

Paul Collard, Director of CCE, has accompany and advised us since 2016 in the road of incorporating creativity in the centre of the learning processes of our school.


Our school supports the Creative Learning Program that is applied in 12 schools of the Frutillar Commune, with the help of CCE and PLADES.

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